The basement foundation guy came to get paperwork signed (and downpayment taken), and moved some things around with the basement bracings. He also gave us some ideas for the basement and the outside (getting window wells, for one).
We had two companies come and look at the kitchen and bathroom. We'll get bids from each in the next week or two, but the best thing was just talking to each of them and bouncing ideas off of them. Whether or not we go with either one, it's started us thinking about some things that we hadn't considered earlier (like the fact that there's no good place to put the refrigerator in the current kitchen due to the placement of the kitchen door!).
And I finished painting all the trim (first coat) and got a second coat on the trim in the master bedroom and the hallway. One coat:
Two coats:
Then (with a lot of help from our wonderful neighbors) we took out the last six stumps--which was much harder than you'd think. Each of them were HUGE, and required snipping a LOT of roots to get them loose. In addition, the burlap wrap was still around each root ball, holding in a ton of heavy dirt (which had to be removed or the Village won't take them). After all that, we raked what we could into the giant holes left behind. We still will need to (somehow) loosen up the whole back yard, and get a truckload of dirt to even it out and grade, but I think it's looking quite a bit better:
We also measured and there will be enough room in Mom's garage for all our tools that are currently stored in our shed (on the right in the picture above) so we can tear it down, and have somewhere to put the grill and garbage/recycling --which used to be against the fence.