Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I love spackling!

Not a lot done today at the house, but I did get to do my favorite maintenance job--SPACKLING! I spackled all the holes in all the walls (and there were a LOT) and window frames. I hope spackle works on window frames...

Then I swept and vacuumed all the floors and Swiffered the bedroom and hallway floors. GROSS! I can usually do my entire first floor with one Swiffer pad, and then I also use it to do my basement steps and laundry room floor. I was planning one Swiffer pad per room, but the master bedroom alone took THREE pads. bleeechhh....

Finally, a friend of ours, who is an electrician, came and scoped out the house to see what needed to be done in order to update the electrical panel and bring things up to code. He said it shouldn't be too bad and he can hopefully do it in a few weeks.

No pictures because spackled walls aren't that exciting. :)

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