Monday, July 28, 2008

Some painting "finished"!

This afternoon G. and I planned to get some painting done on the house, but it was SO hot and humid that I decided to run the air conditioner before we started. I could NOT get the thermostat to even turn on! We'd previously had issues with getting it to work--it was set on really hot (like 85) for heat, or really cold (59) for the AC. Our neighbors had an extra thermostat that they weren't using, so G. installed it:
(it's a bit smaller than the other one, so I had to paint around it--when we paint the walls, that'll blend in better!)

Then we started painting the ceilings. We got the ceilings painted in all three bedrooms as well as the living room/dining room (we won't do the kitchen or bathroom as we're not sure what will eventually happen in those rooms). See?
(the walls are still just primed--the ceiling used to look as sloppy as the walls did)

Since we had so much more ceiling paint (and it's cheaper than "regular" paint), we used it to paint the inside of every closet (that's 4 bedroom closets and the big hall closet). They need to be touched up a bit, but look pretty good:

I think tomorrow we'll have to take the day off since we have a lot of running around to do. And Mom will be back on Wednesday, I hope. I can't wait for her to see everything!

1 comment:

True Mama said...

I'm really enjoying reading about your progress. I wish I'd walked through the house before you started, but seeing the pictures is fun, too. I'd love to hear about your former neighbors... You must be SO relieved to have them gone!